Cultural studies: media, power and truly educated person.

When we discussed about Cultural Studies first we discussed about the word ‘‘Culture’’.
What is culture?
‘Culture’, derives from ‘Cultura’ and ‘colere’ meaning ‘to cultivate’. It also meant ‘to honor’ and ‘project’ by the 19th century in Europe it tastes of the upper class .
‘Culture’ is the mode of producing meaning and ideas. This ‘mode’ is a negotiation over which meanings are valid. Elite culture controls meanings because it controls the terms of the debate.
The term culture in American anthropology had two meanings-
(I) the evolved to classify and represent experiences with symbols and to act imaginatively and creatively.
(ii) the distinct ways that people live, differently, classified and represent their experiences and acted creatively.
What is Cultural Study?
Cultural studies is the science of understanding modern society, with an emphasis on politics and power cultural studies is an umbrella term used to look at a number of different subject. Categories studied include media studies including film and Journalism, sociology, industrial culture, globalization and social theory.
“Cultural Studies is not a tightly coherent unified movement with a fixed agenda, but a loosely coherent group of tendencies, issues, and questions.”
Cultural studies is composed of elements of Marxism, Post structuralism and Postmodernism, Feminism, Gender studies, anthropology, sociology, race and ethnic studies, film theory, urban studies, public policy, popular culture studies and Postcolonial studies: those field that concentrate on social and cultural forces that either create community or cause division and alienation.
it is but sure that the study of Cultural Studies in incomplete without the study of 'Power'. In addition, as in our times, 'Media' is the tool to control the perceptions and the subject, the Power makes extensive use of Media. All forms of media. Print, radio, TV, electronic, digital, social.
- Media culture :-
In cultural studies , media culture refers to the current Western capitalist society that emerged and developed from the 20th century, under the influence of mass media. The term alludes to the overall impact and intellectual guidance exerted by the media (primarily TV, but also the press, radio and cinema), not only on public opinion but also on tastes and values.
"Noam Chomsky" gives five filters about Mass Media:
● Five filters of Media :
1) Media ownership :
The endgame of all mass media orgs is profit. it is in their interest to push for whatever guarantees that profit.
2) Advertising:
Media costs more than consumers will pay for advertisement. it feels the gap . it access to audience and media is not just selling you product but also selling the advertisers in the form of You .
3) Media Elite :
In the Media Governments, cooperation and big institutions know that how to influence media by using their power and money . if you challenge the power for doing something wrong it is never accept by power. Either you will be punished or you lost your job and everything.
4) Flack :
In this where the story which is showing the negative image or real face of power it becomes inconvenient for power and they try to hide it by discreading sourses or trashing the story and put the different story for diverting the conversation.
5) The common Enemy :
To manufacture it need enemy, target, terrorism, immigrants or a boogey man to create fear to helps corral public opinion.
the critique of Media studied under Cultural Studies gives an opportunity to provoke our thoughts to understand the how power makes use of media. Here we will see What is Power and how power makes use of media
"Power is the ability to make others do what you would have them do. "
● Six civic sourses of power :-
1) Physical power
2) wealth
3) state action
4) social norms
5) ideas
6) Numbers
● three laws of power :
2) wealth
3) state action
4) social norms
5) ideas
6) Numbers
● three laws of power :
1) Power is never static
2) Power is like water
3) Power is multiplied by power and powerlessness is multiplied by powerlessness.
● power comes from :
2) Power is like water
3) Power is multiplied by power and powerlessness is multiplied by powerlessness.
● power comes from :
1) Your purpose or social purpose ( Prosocial or Anti social )
2) Education ( teacher - student )
3) Political ( use power to make people fear or for vote )
4) Parents and child.
2) Education ( teacher - student )
3) Political ( use power to make people fear or for vote )
4) Parents and child.
In this way Power and Media plays vital role in Cultural studies.
Well written... Keep it up👏👍
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