Worksheet Given By
:- Dr.Dilip barad
(Q.1) How faithful is the movie to the original play?
(A.1)yes, movie is totally faithful to original play the dialogues of original play is totally same
Examples:- In the play by William Shakespeare play begins with the apparition of Ghost and in the movie also start with the apparition of the Ghost. So, we can say that this movie is authentic version of the real play of William Shakespeare.
(Q.2) After watching the movie, have your perception about play, characters or situations changed?
(A.2) yes, After watching the movie,my perception about play, characters or situations is changed. While reading we can imagine the different kind of situations and scenes of the play, but after watching the movie we come to know about how the dialogues were delivered, and after observing the expressions, we conclude the interpretation more effectively.
Examples :-That time we are reading Hamlet's character we can imagine his behavior in particular situations. but that time watch movie we can saw how suddenly he becomes angry and control his emotions and feelings.
(Q.3) Do you feel ‘aesthetic delight’ while watching the movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?
(A.3)When Hamlet murdered Claudius that time i feel ‘aesthetic delight’ while watching the movie
(Q.4) Do you feel ‘catharsis’ while or after watching movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?
(A.4) Yes, I feel ‘catharsis’ in this movie
(1) At the beginning of the play when Price Hamlet speaks his first soliloquy and whenever he bourns out his anger,.
(2)second time when Hamlet angry on Ophelia .
(3) last when this play is end and no one is alive everyone is dead at that time I feel catharsis
(Q.5) Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play?
(A.5) yes,screening of movie help me in better understanding of the play.Examples :- Hamlet's behaves in differnat situations .sometimes he look very mad, sometime scholar ,and differnt condition her behavior in differnt.this is i define in movie clearly. and ACT -1 ,scene 2 her behaves is differnat with her friends and family.we can compare Hamlet's character with "Chameleons"(કાચીંડો )

(Q.6) Was there any particular scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish lifetime?
(A.6) There are so many scenes or moment in the movie that I will cherish lifetime. Example like
(1)Nunnery scene,
(2)first soliloquy of prince Hamlet,
(3) scene of Ophelia madness, and
(4)last scene when prince Hamlet is died.
I want to cherish this all the scenes life time.
(Q.7) If you are director, what changes would you like to make in the remaking of movie on Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’?
(A.7)If i am the director of the movie i want to start movie from the scene of "Hamlet's murder" and want to use the flashback technique.
(Q.8) In the beginning of the movie, camera rolls over the statue of King Hamlet out side the Elsinore castle. The movie ends with the similar sequence wherein the statue of the King Hamlet is hammered down to the dust. What sort of symbolism do you read in this?
(A.8)it symbolizes that at the beginning the statue is whole means the statue is also good condition and at the end nothing remains live in Hamlet's family so it is broken down at the also symbolize with the rule of nature of life and death.
(Q.9) While studying the play through movie, which approach do you find more applicable to the play? Why? Give reasons with illustrations.
(A.9)Yes, i studing the play through movie psychological approach because I think that this play is all about“Madness of Prince Hamlet” and about the question of killing his self or committing suicide that famous quote that “To be or not to be, that is the question” so from my aspect this psychological approach is more appropriate than any other approaches.
(Q.10) Which of the above mentioned approaches (in Pre-viewing task) appeals you more than other?Why? Give reasons.
Psychological approach Because psychological approach is the center of the play or we also find in the central character of Hamlet.
Very good!!!
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