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Tom Jones as a Realistic Novel

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Name:- Zankhana .M.Matholiya
Paper No.-2-The Neo-Classical Literature
Class :- M.A. Sem-1
Topic:-Tom Jones as a Realistic Novel.
Enrollment No:- 2069108420180036
College:- Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English
Email ID :-
Submitted:-Department of English  M.K.University, Bhavnagar

Ø Introduction:-

                            HENRY FILDING was  novelist, dramatist and magistrate.he was  the greatest novelist of new group of novel writers .he was born during  18th century in "Augustan  Age". 18th century's reader's tastes was the changed peoples wanted to find more and more of their own reflaction in literature.he satisfied reader's demands. his first novel "Joseph Andrews" was inspired by success of "Pamela" . the  other best known  works are "The History Of Tom Jones, a Founding "and "Amelia".   "Tom Jones" is the masterpiece work of Henry filding's.  his all works is reflaction of peoples own life.

                       "Tom Jones is satirical and realistic novel.his main worry about society .so, to show society realism is best way of henry.Tom Jones is the realistic novel .

 so first i defined that what is Realism or Realistic ?

Realism:- An attempt to make art and literature resemble life.

Realistic:- Painters and writers take their subjects from the world around them instead of from idealized subjects, such as figures in mythology or folklore and try to represent them in a lifelike manner.

                     Tom is a protagonist of the novel. He is   a young man and command name of the novel. Tom Jones is a belonging to middle class family. Tom Jones; grows up to be a brave and handsome man. Tom Jones is a most important character of the novel. Tom Jones is rebellious young man. Tom is a anti-traditional man Tom Jones as a realistic novel.the characteristics of "Tom Jones" realism excavated from the social environment, the story, people object shaped like typical character of shaping this the novel's realism factor. Tom Jones jumps between lower class and upper class characters. Since the subject of Tom Jones is supposed to be human nature, that means all humans, no matter what their social positions. 


Typical Characters realist writer will figure into the social environment to make the characters more plump and real. On one hand, the characterization as a reference to real life, therefore shaping the character to life; On the other hand, turn the image of a social environment linked's characters have a rich social connotations. The protagonist of the novel Tom integrity warm, tolerant. Hesitate to endure the punishment: to help the black George impunity endure whips and abusive after Zhou Ji, the life of his family to sell the beloved pony to help complete strangers unwed daughter of the innkeeper Nancy retrieve lover, establish happy family; magnanimous forgiveness sanctimonious, scheming Buli Fei, and for him to plead to the Mr. Orr Chinese Sui, also secretly donated his annuity ... Fielding hesitate ink Tom origin lowly poor children molded into a far more noble than those of the upper crust much positive character, make him radiate integrity and courage, honesty and enthusiasm light.A woman if lost chastity was considered to be a fallen woman. Lord Fellamar was persuaded into the belief that it would be easy for him to marry Sophia, a virtue as woman after having rated her. Women like Mrs. Waters, Lady Bellaston, Mrs. Honor, Mrs. Western, and Mrs. Deborah are characterized as if they are real  characters.

Vices & virtues:-

Fielding’s presentation of the values of virtue and vice. They are demonstrated on the comparison of the characters of Tom Jones and his antagonist Blifil, and on the contrast in the nature of Squires Allworthy and Western.
Tom and Blifil were brought up in the same house and educated 
by the same teacher, these young gentlemen of almost the same 
age differed in two important things – social status and temper. 
Whereas Blifil was a legitimate descendant of Squire Allworthy,
 and thus the honored expectant heir of the estate, Tom Jones was
 only a foster-child with an uncertain origin and doubtful future,
 which forced him to fight for the respect of other people. As far as
 the temperament is concerned, Blifil “was, indeed a lad of 
remarkable disposition; sober,discreet, and pious beyond his age; 
qualities which gained him the love of every one who knew him,”
      later in the story the  finds out a contrariety in the judgment on
 the two young gentlemen and reveals that despite the
 denouncement of Tom Jones by authorities, Tom gained a great
 popularity and respect in the community for his good turns and 
kindness. Thus, the characters of Tom and Blifil illustrate that in one 
person, there is always something good as well as something evil.
 Also, as the two characters are presented so close to each other in
 the book, their differences are even more prominent, and it is
 inevitable for a reader to contrast them and judge them in the
 light of each other, the same as Good is always judged as the 
contrast to Evil.
the  portrayal of Tom and Blifil, Fielding is  touches  of the virtue 
and vice.

Mirror of society:-
Hennery’s countryside life is narrow world. People are found gossiping here. Here, we find prude Mrs. Deboradh Wilkins, shrew Mr. Partiridge, champion Mrs. Western conquer Molly Seagrim, poverty, vanity, affection, malice, intrigue as they do in big cities. The novel thus shows real people of society of villagers in England in Henry’s time.

The City life of London:-

                   Man of hill shows the condition of London dwellers before Tom reaches there. The life of London’s is degenerated. Lady Bellaston, Lord Fellamar, nigh tangle are all city breed. They have no virtues. They lead immoral life fielding also tells us that despite entertainments, the life is dull and monotonous.

Educational Institutes:-

                 Tom and Blifil are not exposed to public school as squire Allworthy believed them to be corrupted. It show how healthy people of society engaged private tutors for their children or words. The treatment of doctors and lawyers are shown in different cases. Doctor told that Allworthy would die but he didn’t during illness. Later on lawyer is shown corrupt. Fielding here depicts  corrupt people of society that was reality.


       In 1745 army was really sent northwards to combat the rebels. It in Tom who wanted to join the army. Again when Sophia was at an inn. She is mistaken for Prince Charlie’s mistress. The above incidents give political scenario of Fielding’s age.


        The incident where Molly Seagrim wearing Sophia’s beautiful dress goes to Church and being slowly starts quarrel refers to the pompous people going to Church who were not real followers of Christ. They were not interested in preaching but mongering.

Nature of Human Being:-

                            That is not to say that his characters are simple minded or boring on any account; conversely, they can be quite interesting to observe.
                             Tom Jones, the protagonist, is rather human. He sometimes errs, but is essentially good. By the age of fourteen, he had been convicted of robbing an orchard, stealing a duck, and pick pocketing Master Blifil. Undeniably, his impulsive and affectionate nature gets him involved in many of his problems. But, at the same time, his actions are basically governed by benevolence and generosity. He robbed the orchard and stole the duck to help the impoverished gamekeeper, Black George. And the “highwayman” aroused kindness from Tom; instead of resorting to justice, he even gave him all his money when he found that the robber had a starving wife and children at home. As a mirror of life, Fielding’s Tom Jones is written to tell the truth about the hero, as revealed by the author in a passage below: As we determined, when we first sat down to write this history, to flatter no men, but to guide our pen throughout by the directions of truth, we are obliged to bring our hero on the stage in a much more disadvantage manner than we could wish. . . .
                            Bliful is a character of totally different nature from that of Tom Jones, however. Bliful, a hypocritical villain, is a practical manager of his own interest, and the reader’s disgust is accordingly aroused. 
                            Sophia, a virtuous girl, is one of the most impressive Artifice of Moral Teaching in Fielding’s Tom Jones . Her character is revealed thoroughly when she, with her commitment to Tom, resisted the marriage to Bliful. She said, “I am determined to leave my father’s house this very night”
. It seems that Squire Western is perhaps the most striking of the characters. He loves nothing but bottle, is coarse in his language, and a man of uncontrolled passion, who is often dominated by his emotions. This way we find very different nature of human being in novel.

Social Satire on Realism:-

Definition of satire…..
*    ‘‘Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts,in Which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government or society itself, into improvement. Although satire is usually means to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit as s weapon and as a tool  to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society’’.
Satire is a start of an 18th century. Tom is a traveling in the hero. Tom all of journey to travels and become to symbolic of experience of life itself. Tom journey to presented to maturation, and the movement from to the different experience. Writer is a satire of cast or society
because tom is a lower cast of the man. Society is a not expected of the hero of tom Jones. Satire is favorite way of demanding reform without being directly offensive. It is having a foolish man call a king tedious but allowing such a blunder because of his character on stage. Tom  Jones is a belonging to middle class family. They journey is a politic and social. Tom  society is does not expected a man because they are lower cast of the people. It is a struggler man and  they all life a suffering on a way. Writer is a satire of Tom’s journey. It is a journey are a not good  but they life a very enjoy. Tom is a no idea of a birth place.
Tom journey is a social, political  and realism. In 1745 army was really sent northwards to combat the rebels. It in Tom who wanted to join the army. Again when Sophia was at an inn. She is mistaken for prince Charlie’s mistress. The above incidents give political scenario of Fielding’s age. Political  satire in prose and versa. Political  satire is a Sophia character.
Squire Western is a like of Tom. She is a very beautiful girl. There are upper class of the man. Tom’s girl friend is a squire and Tom love a real. There are a religious of a satire because Tom or Squire cast is a different. They are a satire movement of tom. She is a upper class people or Tom is a lower cast of a people. They are not important of a cast but love is a most important in her life.
They are a very beautiful satire of a writing .Fielding  is very simple or unexpected of satire on cast-system in society.

Moral Massage:-

Twentieth century criticism also generally, is appreciative of Fielding’s moral point of view. In tom jones brief, his concept of morality is based upon an intimate study of human nature and it is most healthy and liberal. Over all Fielding conveys his moral messages in a subtle entertaining and mainly consistent manner.
the basic idea of Fielding in his treatment of these characters can be seen in the following passage: Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones, for example, illustrates the moral superiority of a hot-blooded young man like Tom, whose sexual indulgences are decidedly atoned for by his humanitarianism, tenderheartedness, and instinctive honor (innate as opposed to acquired through training). Serving as foils to Tom are the real sinners in the novel—the vicious and the hypocritical (Guerin, et. al. 26).
·  Samuel Richardson:-Tom Jones is Immoral:
                                        ‘Tom Jones’ is a dissolute book. Its run is over, even with us. Is it true that France had virtue enough to refuse a licence for such a profligate performance?

  ·    Samuel Coleridge:- The plot of Tom Jones and Fielding’s Morality:
                                 What a Master of composition Fielding was upon my word. I think the Oedipus Tyrannous, the Alchemat and Tom Jones the the There are many moral lapses offences in Tom Jones which have been given a much more tolerant treatment than any puritan moralist .
The unsparing in their denunciation drunkenness, but Tom’s drinking spree gets no reprobation from Fielding. But it is ultimately the sexual issue which is most crucial to Fielding’s Puritan contemporaries felt offended with the apparent indulgence with which he treated his hero’s sexual digressions. This definitely calls for a closer scrutiny of Tom’s Sexual involvements. To begin with we notice that Fielding has placed Tom in certain zxtenuating circumstances. Tom is the seduced rather than the seducer. It is MOLLY SEAGRIM, the senior and more experience partner who leads him into the affair. At the Upton inn also, Tom appears to be a helpless victim in the hands of Mrs.Waters’s artful coquetry since she makes use of her full artillery to him. In the case of Lady Bellastone,it is a sense of gratitude for the financial assistance he receives from her and his awareness that only lady  Bellastone can bring him to his beloved Sophia that do not let him snap this bond of shame. None of these affairs are of Tom’s own creating, but once he conducts himself very honorably. Even when he is so deeply in love with Sophia, he never thinks of forsaking Molly. The timidity of these affairs also deserves attention. Tom’s relationship with Molly precedes his love for Sophia. His affair with Mrs. Waters’s occupant a time when he has no hope whatsoever of ever meeting Sophia again, and he falls to Lady Bella stone’s veils because he thinks that she can get him in touch with Sophia. As the plot develops, he gradually learns to control himself. He strongly and successfully resists the amorous advances of Mrs. Fitzpatrick and turns down a very attractive marriage from Abelard  It is only than that Sophia relents to accept him as her husband. Thus it would be wrong to say that Fielding endorses or even condones his hero’s incontinence. He simply places sexual virtue and sexual vice in a broad modern perspective and takes a lenient rather a human, view of Tom’s sexual aberrations. Fielding believes that virtue does not consist in rigid suppression of instinct. A certain carefree animality –which we find in Tom, is a mental health. It is decidedly better than Clarisse’s frigid virtue. It only needs circumspection so that it is not misled.


While we summing up we can say that tom jones is the realistic in nature. Because the subject and characters are real. So we sympathies with particular situation and familiar with the them. Fielding is interested in human behavior and motives. Although the title of the novel is about the history of a foundling and its plot is supposed to tell who Tom is, Fielding, as a matter of fact, is giving us a description of human nature of his days. He writes about human nature as it is, instead of showing us how it ought to be. By way of telling the history of the foundling, Fielding expresses “his richest observations on life and his ripest thought.” (Cross 45). Most men, from Fielding’s point of view, are neither entirely good nor utterly bad; his sincerest endeavor is goodness and innocence of human nature.  tom jones in the 18th century society ,human being nature ,characters and other  all things are the represent so we can say that this is the realistic novel.
Henry fielding say about novel tom jones
Reader, I think proper, before we proceed any further together, to acquaint thee that I intend to digress, through this whole history, as often as I see occasion, of which I am myself a better judge than any pitiful critic whatever; and here I must desire all those critics to mind their own business, and not to intermeddle with affairs or works which no ways concern them; for till they produce the authority by which they are constituted judges, I shall not plead to their jurisdiction.”
― Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling


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