On 28th June,2018 in our Department of English we had a movie screening of Charlie Chaplin's movies "The Modern Times.This film help us to understand the situation of modern time.
This movie gives us information about the period of Modern Age. Factories and Machines' development and its advantages and disadvantages these all we had seen in this movie
The “Modern Times” is movie by Charlie Chaplin. It is American comedy, released on 5th February 1936. The movie is written, directed, produced, ,Charlie Chaplin. In this movie Charlie played a role of factory worker. His “Little Tramp” character is highlighted here.
This movie gives us information about the period of Modern Age. Factories and Machines' development and its advantages and disadvantages these all we had seen in this movie.
The Workers were worked in Assembly line worked on the speed of Machines .When factory owner increases speed of machine workres all increase their speed of works.Here we seen the Master-Slave system.Factory head puts CCTV camera in whole factory.Even in washroom workers had no space.
We know that the Modern Age was known as Development of Factories and Machines.But every coin has two sides .Same way The development of Factories and Machines also had advantages and disadvantages .In that age people were like machines who work constantly without taking any break. It shows the condition of workers how they were manipulated by their Masters. In this film by using CCTV camera it shows that how master constantly keeping their eyes on the workers. It shows the symbol of control. Also the food machine invented for works so they can work without taking any break. So this way the Masters controlled over them.

Hope of new life :
In the last frame Chaplin and Gamin girl walked on the road. So this image shows the hope. The road symbolised as a road of happiness. So the movie ends with the positive attitude towards the life. During whole film Chaplin and Gamin girl faced many troubles. But at the end they have a hope to live happy life. So this positive attitude inspired others to see the life in positive way.
In this way The Modern Times movie reflects the age .The movie ends with scene of Dawn.Dawn symbolised as a hope or new beginning. Protagonist and Gamin going for the new beginning of their life.
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