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Introduction to Education, Technology and ELT

We can integrate technology in the classroom through various web tools like power point presentation, Blog task, Flipped learning and social media like Whatsapp and Facebook, in which Flipped learning is very interesting because it broke the traditional norms of teaching and learning in the classroom. Students can learn any time from any where through flipped learning. Teacher can engage the students without his or her presence

  • Q-1 Why is it necessary to use Technology in Education? 

  •  In education main focus is on teaching learning process. And because of this Teacher is at the center from the very earlier stage of teaching learning process. But now time is changing and with the flow of time teaching learning process is also starts changing. So now Students are at the center rather than teacher. There are so many methods and approaches for teaching learning process but no one can replace technology as a best method of teaching learning process.That’s why technology is very important thing in teaching learning process and it is necessary in process of teaching learning. Self-learning is very important part of teaching learning process with the help of technology. Dec-entering the center from teacher to student. 
  •  Q-2 What is the difference between 'using' and 'integrating' technology? 
  •  Integrating the technology is also related with teacher and students use of technology into the classroom. By using new ideas. Is the use of technology of a tools integrate  the content areas in order to allow students to apply computer and technology skills to learning and problem solving of students. Generally speaking the curriculum which is hard but can solve by using technology.
  • Example:- Using technology
  • Flipped learning. Here only teachers can put videos and other things , student can not. They use technology here but can not edit anything. This is one way use of technology.
  • Example:- Integration technology
  • Online Quiz 
  • Using this online Quiz ,student and teacher both use technology here. It is essential to learning activity.

  • Q-3 How can we integrate technology?
  • We can integrate technology in the classroom through various web tools like power point presentation, Blog task, Flipped learning and social media like Whatsapp and Facebook, in which Flipped learning is very interesting because it broke the traditional norms of teaching and learning in the classroom. Students can learn any time from any where through flipped learning. Teacher can engage the students without his or her presence
  • Q-4 Can technology replac teacher?
  • This is the age in which human are replaced by technology. There is so many place in which the place of human beings are taken by machine and technology. But in education , the place of teacher is can not taken by anything. May be the place of teacher will be taken by technology but there will be still missing of emotion, feelings and interaction between student and teacher. The replacement of teacher with tools ,it may gave us big challenge and it becomes harmful also.
  •  Many times student like me failed to understand some topic while reading in google and watching videos but my professor Dr. Dilip Barad can teach me with the help of various examples, hence teacher is very helpful to understand easily.
  • Q-5 Write in brief on David Crystal's views on 'effect of new technologies on English language', 'biggest challenge for English language teachers in the times of internet', and 'texting is good for English language'.
  • David Crystal speaks about the influence of technology on English language.  Technology helps in learning language but also effects it. As we know many people read stuff from social media, many people are social networking cites and for that you need a basic platform to interact with other people and that can happen with a common language used by all, English. He also talked about the problems that teachers are facing while dealing with the new generation’s students. Because this language. Teachers have to teach students to accept every accent and they should also focus on the modern English used by students. As Crystal says that the earlier mobile you got, the higher your literacy goes. Exactly! Mobile teaches us lot, the whole world and every single way to educate your self is with you in your pocket if you have a mobile with you. No one really uses the Standard English, and all have to accept it. Texting is 'Good' for English Language, while interacting with new people we can correct ourselves. See, speaking English in front of people, we get nervous, but while texting we don’t. So texting helps it.
  •  Q-6 Name one web-tool which can help in development of all four L-S-R-W skills. If possible explain how it works.
  • “some skills can be acquired through self-study . . . while other skills need to be learned through the experience of interacting with other people along with the guidance of a teacher”
  • Thingslink
  • This is a phenomenal tool that takes storytelling to a whole new level: an image or video becomes the canvas for students to create interactive media. Students start with an image as the foundation and add links to videos, content, audio, maps, and additional images to construct a multimodal story
  • Whatsapp
  • Whatsapp as a web tool is very useful for all four basic skills. We can develop listening, speaking, reading and writing through whatsapp features. Whatsapp gives very good feature for improving these skills.
Thank  you........................


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