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Uncle Podger hangs a Picture :- Short story :- by Jerome K. Jerome

  •  Introduction 

  • In Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture by Jerome K. Jerome we have the theme of gender roles, responsibility, inequality, control, ignorance and independence. Taken from his Three Men in a Boat collection the reader realises after reading the story that Jerome may be exploring the theme of gender roles. 

  • The story is an example of the underestimation which the women and the other member of the family face.

  • This story is a satire for the assumption of society towards women.

  • About writer

  • Jerome K. Jerome was an English writer. He wrote many humourous stories.
  • Jerome lived his early life with immense difficulty. In 1888 hei married Georgina and they spent some time after their wedding, rowing on the Thames.
  • Their trip inspired his most successful book, Three Men in a Boat. Royalties from the book helped to improve his financial condition and since then Jerome devoted his life to writing.

  • Summary of the Story.

  • The story β€œUncle Podger Hangs a Picture” is about the whole description of how Uncle Podger hangs a picture on the wall. He was very confident as he assumes himself to be the best to complete the job. Once a picture had come from the frame-makers, Uncle Podger asked Aunt Podger to leave the job of hanging the picture to him. He took off his coat and he asked the children to fetch the hammer, nails etc. Everyone was busy obeying his instructions. And when the picture was about to be hanged, he dropped the picture and cut himself with a broken glass. He moved around the room, looking for his handkerchief and later found it in his coat pocket and he himself was sitting on the coat. He made a mess of things. It was only after a few minor incidents and injuries Uncle Podger managed to get the picture on the wall, crooked and insecure, around midnight. But Uncle Podger looked at the job with pride and satisfaction. All this prove him to be funny, lovable person but, good for nothing!

  • Thinking Activity:-

1- Mindmap The Various Characters Involved In The Story And How Did Each One Help UNCLE PODGER

 2- Where would the picture have come from? Where was it put before being hung?

 3-What confusion did Uncle Podger create at the beginning?

4-What does this whole  Story tell about Uncle Podger? 


  1. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Miranshi vaghani

    1.Mindnap the various character involved in the story and how did each one help uncle porget?


  5. Simple job should be not convert into big issue event


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