Thinking activity: Archetypal Criticism
My responses to the questions about the Archetypal criticism by Northrop Frye are below
1.What is Archetypal Criticism? What does the archetypal critic do?
There are different meanings of Archetypal Criticism.
Dictionary- an image or symbol that is used repeatedly in art or literature.
The Archetypal criticism means identifying patterns of action, character-types, and themes in literature as well as in myths, dreams and social rituals. According to Carl Jung it is “Collective Unconscious”.The Archetypal critic observes the symbols, myths, pattern of action and applies it to any particular literature.
Dictionary- an image or symbol that is used repeatedly in art or literature.
The Archetypal criticism means identifying patterns of action, character-types, and themes in literature as well as in myths, dreams and social rituals. According to Carl Jung it is “Collective Unconscious”.The Archetypal critic observes the symbols, myths, pattern of action and applies it to any particular literature.
2.What is Frye trying prove by giving an analogy of ' Physics to Nature' and 'Criticism to Literature'?
Frye's attempt to prove physics to nature & criticism to literature by giving an analogy:-
Basically here Frye tried to compare both as according to any physics students they mainly studies or rather learning physics instead of nature. So it can be say that physics has structured meaning or ideas to study of nature. While on the other sode of comparison, we can say that criticism has the same philosophy or rather strategy as it has the particular way of study literature. One can learn criticism of literature but can't learn literature.
Basically here Frye tried to compare both as according to any physics students they mainly studies or rather learning physics instead of nature. So it can be say that physics has structured meaning or ideas to study of nature. While on the other sode of comparison, we can say that criticism has the same philosophy or rather strategy as it has the particular way of study literature. One can learn criticism of literature but can't learn literature.
3. Share your views of Criticism as an organised body of knowledge. Mention relation of literature with history and philosophy.
Criticism as an organized body of knowledge with the idea of literary relationship with history & philosophy:-
Any text has the image of history & philosophy. As one must uses both in his expression by one or another ultimately we all know that history always referred the connection of past & philosophy has the idea of moral values. So by connecting both one can presents here we can say that like physical structure it has the organized body of knowledge.
Any text has the image of history & philosophy. As one must uses both in his expression by one or another ultimately we all know that history always referred the connection of past & philosophy has the idea of moral values. So by connecting both one can presents here we can say that like physical structure it has the organized body of knowledge.
4.Briefly explain inductive method with illustration of Shakespeare's Hamlet's Grave Digger's scene.
The Inductive method of analysis deals with particular to general. So here it can be applied in Hamlet because if we see it from Micro level then the grave digging scene is observed but if we observe from general view then we can see Hamlet’s love for Ophelia.
5.Briefly explain deductive method with reference to an analogy to Music, Painting, rhythm and pattern. Give examples of the outcome of deductive method.
Deductive method is goes from particular to general. In this method first one goes for illustrations & then explain that.Literature has strict connectivity between music & painting. Music has rhyming & painting has particular design. Its hard to understand both may be at first sight properly. Rhythm of music comes at from literature & same way inages can be gets fron literature that called general to particular.
6.Refer to the Indian seasonal grid (below). If you can, please read small Gujarati or Hindi or English poem from the archetypal approach and apply Indian seasonal grid in the interpretation.
- आई बसंत
हर जुबा पे है छाई ये कहानी।
आई बसंत की ये ऋतू मस्तानी।।
दिल को छू जाये मस्त झोका पवन का।
मीठी धूप में निखर जाए रंग बदन का।।
गाये बुजुर्गो की टोली जुबानी।
आई बसंत की ये ऋतू मस्तानी।।
झूमें पंछी कोयल गाये।
सूरज की किरणे हँसती जमी नहलाये।।
लागे दोनों पहर की समां रूहानी।
आई बसंत की ये ऋतू मस्तानी।।
टिमटिमायें ख़ुशी से रातों में तारे।
पिली फसलों को नहलाये दूधिया उजाले।।
गाते जाए सब डगर पुरानी।
आई बसंत की ये ऋतू मस्तानी।।
– उत्पल पाठक
- आ गया बसंत
आ गया बसंत है, छा गया बसंत है
खेल रही गौरैया सरसों की बाल से
मधुमाती गन्ध उठी अमवा की डाल से
अमृतरस घोल रही झुरमुट से बोल रही
बोल रही कोयलिया sss
आ गया बसंत है, छा गया बसंत है
नया-नया रंग लिए आ गया मधुमास है
आंखों से दूर है जो वह दिल के पास है
फिर से जमुना तट पर कुंज में पनघट पर
खेल रहा छलिया sss
आ गया बसंत है छा गया बसंत है
मस्ती का रंग भरा मौज भरा मौसम है
फूलों की दुनिया है गीतों का आलम है
आंखों में प्यार भरे स्नेहिल उदगार लिए
राधा की मचल रही पायलिया sss
आ गया बसन्त है छा गया बसंन्त है
– कंचन पाण्डेय ( मिर्जापुर उत्तर प्रदेश )
As per Indian seasonal grid we have six seasons. They are: -
1.) Vasant Ritu or Spring
1.) Vasant Ritu or Spring
2.) Grishma Ritu or Summer
3.) Varsha Ritu or Monsoon
4.) Sharad Ritu or Autumn
5.) Hemant Ritu or Pre-winter
6.) Shishir / Shita Ritu or Winter
3.) Varsha Ritu or Monsoon
4.) Sharad Ritu or Autumn
5.) Hemant Ritu or Pre-winter
6.) Shishir / Shita Ritu or Winter
We find Indian seasonal grid in this poem like Vasant (spring) which is very romantic & the concept of new life comes from the season.
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