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Movie screening of Mourning becomes Electra

  • The film was directed by Dudley Nicholas. The film was helped in many ways to better understanding of the play. 
  • We are thankful to Heena ma'am for arranged the screening.
  •  The film was very faithful to the play we can find same kind of plot, or we say there was nothing changes from the play. 

  •  This play divided into three parts.
1-     "Homecoming"
2-     " The Hunted"
3-    " The Haunted"

  • However, these plays are never produced individually, but only as part of the larger trilogy. Each of these plays contains four to five acts, and so Mourning Becomes Electra is extraordinarily lengthy for a drama. 
  • In first part ‘The Homecoming’ Ezra Mannon is killed and in the second one Brant and Christine died.

  • The Hunted is the second part of the Trilogy. In this part Orin returns from war. He got injury in head. Christine was successful in getting favor of her son. 
  • Lavinia gives minute details regarding Christine in the room where her father’s dead body has been lying. Lavinia and Orin follow Christine to the ship in which she has gone to warn Brant against Orin. Orin shots Brant. 
  • The next day Christine commits suicide. Lavinia gives the impression that he mother has father’s death.

  • In ‘The Haunted, Orin and Lavinia are back after visiting china and various other islands of the south East Lavinia has grown more beautiful like her mother and her brother has incestuous love for her. 
  • Lavinia wanted Orin to marry Hazal who was peter’s sister but her wise could not be fulfilled. She herself wanted to marry peter but this wise of hers remained unfulfilled. Orin shoots himself. Lavinina loved peter very much but breaks with him.

  • Male characters are marginalized.

  • “ Male characters are marginalized” in this . No male character is able to play role till the end. First Ezra killed by Christine. Orin committed suicide than at last Peter also rejected by Lavinia. Peter couldn’t save his relationship with Lavinia. Men are failed in this.

  • Women are in the centre.

  •  In this three women characters are mainly performed. Christine , Lavinia and Hazel .movie or play  starts from the role of Lavinia and Christine and ends with loneliness of Lavinia in the old house. Hazel’s role is also noticeable because of Orin’s secret letter. So we can say that in this play “ Women are in the centre".

  • Triangle relationship.
  • We can say that there is a triangle relationship among Lavinia, Christine and Brant. Lavinia wants to marry with Brant. Brant had affair with Christine and Peter wants to marry with Lavinia.

  • ·Revenge -   
  • Revenge serves as a primary motivation for the play's actions. Seeking to revenge the death of his mother, Marie Brantome, Adam hopes to destroy the Mannon family, especially Ezra. Paradise is an obsession for many of the play's characters. As a seafaring family, early generations of Mannons had sailed to beautiful south Pacific Isles. Orin wants to run away with his mother Christine an attempt to escape societal norms so that he can sleep with his mother. Christine wants to go with her lover, Adam.

  • Thus, the film helps me to understand the play and the characters as well. The film has power of visuals and sounds, that's why we can easily get the idea and better understand the play.

  • Thank you ............. 


  1. Very well written review.. keep it up 👍

  2. Very well written and all the major thing are cover in your on point of view that the good thing....

  3. Well written😊👌...keep it up 😊👍


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