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Reflections on three days interaction with Prof.Balaji Ranganathan.

 The Postcolonial Literature Task: Three Days interactions with  Prof.Balaji Ranganathan.

14-16 september 2018.

Three days guest lecture by  Prof.Balaji Ranganathan.sir seems very fruitful and beneficial for all of us. We have learnt so many essential and important things about Postcolonial literature by Prof.Balaji Ranganathan.On second day he has discussed about Net-Slet in combine class with Sem 1 students.



3-Net-Slet: The great Challenge


On 14th September 2018, When he gave  basic knowledge about post colonialism at that time he said that “ state is reality but nation is imagination”

There are many important things spoken by sir. On the very first day he introduce us about the postcolonial literature than start non-fictional work "Black Skin, White Mask by Frantz Fanon (1952)". and further he discussed 8 chapters which is given in the text. He says Fanon talks about sexuality as base in human nature. Then he talks about inferiority complex.Then how color of skin is natural but it becomes cultural, particular case of lady named Mayotte Capecia, agency, and psychology of black consciousness. He also talks about the people of middle class, who never resist.

On 15th september he taught Orientalism by Edward Said and A Tempest by Aime Cesaire.
He explained the unit Orientalism very well and provide some good information about India 's condition before independence and after independence. He said that orient helps to define yourself. He said that this is specific era of study in which people like to learn not material but want to be academic.Edward Said has taken this idea from two books of Michel  Foucault, one is "Archeology of Knowledge" from which he has taken idea of knowledge and second is "Discipline and Punish" from which he has taken the idea of power. Orientalism is about the different way kthrough which west looks towards the east.

Then he taught us about "A Tempest" by Amie Cesaire  and the difference between "The Tempest" by Shakespeareand "A Tempest" by Amie Cesaire. 

Unique technique preparing for Competitive exams like NET /SET: 

Sir has also told the very appropriate way to preparing for NET/SET exams.

●collect the Database of 5000 Questions
● slove all the questions and find your level
●Found the pattern : Things you know / don't know.
● Start feeling gaps.
● Found strong / weak areas.
● start making database which you don't have / which you not good.
Sir has told us to get out from M.A. formation and look this exams as competitive exams. So the most important thing is look this exams as competitive exams. In this exams 3 things important :
1) Locate strength and weakness
2) Probability
3) Time Management

Sir has also told about prepare ourselves for interview. Sir gave  emphasis more on the original text. Second he told us to prepare in two areas which we like most. Last but very important thing sir told us to how body language play important role. Person should hold his /her self properly.

On 16th september he taught us Imaginary Homeland by Salman Rushdie.

Here he clear first  the idea about  nation and state. Then he explained diaspora in detail and it's connection with Imaginary Homeland.
He explained the  unit  with chapter  and then he give idea of desire. He gave 3 version of desire and conflict.
1.Approach - Approach conflict(+ +)
2. Approch - Avoidance conflict(+ -)
3. Avoidance - Avoidance conflict(- -)

So he explain the unit and again suggest to read original book of Rushdie.

We are very thankful to Balaji sir for coming here and give his precious time and knowledge to us and we are also thankful to our Head of the Department Dr. Dilip Barad sir to invite such a dignitary to taught us.


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